Top Ten Tips when you’re too sick to Travel

You’ve received the bad news: you’re too sick to travel. Now what? Do you still go and risk your health or do you sit at home and mope? Both shitty plans tbh. Here are my top ten tips on how to mentally revive yourself whilst you’re feeling your worst whilst dealing with the fact thatContinueContinue reading “Top Ten Tips when you’re too sick to Travel”

Too sick to travel? *cue the self-pity party*

She killed the teddy bears…and instead of stuffing…there’s blood…*shivers* What to do when you’re too sick to travel? *0 results* What should you do when you can’t travel because you’re too sick? *1 result = ‘don’t travel’* Great Google. Thanks. This December, with the whole new novelty of Annual Leave and being able to haveContinueContinue reading “Too sick to travel? *cue the self-pity party*”

Travel Update: First time at the Fringe!

As a (not so recent) graduate, I took a ‘Gap year’, making sure I rested, worked on my mental health and got experience for my C.V. through volunteering and part-time jobs. Of course, the speech I always got was: You’re young! You need to take advantage of the fact that you don’t have any responsibilitiesContinueContinue reading “Travel Update: First time at the Fringe!”