The Quarantine Mindset

My last official day of lockdown was 28th July and somehow I couldn’t really comprehend my thoughts and feelings on going back to work. On the one hand, I was relieved that I was going to be able to focus on something other than a new hobby but on the other hand…how the hell wasContinueContinue reading “The Quarantine Mindset”

The Quarantine Life: Is answering messages a must?

I swear No matter where you look, whether it be online, via e-mail or even on TV adverts, the advice is to keep in contact, message your loved ones, keep in touch and check in on those closest to you etc. In the beginning, I completely agreed with this, as combating loneliness is one ofContinueContinue reading “The Quarantine Life: Is answering messages a must?”

Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?

In all honesty I do feel awkward and hypocritical about writing this post given that I am about to blame the media for this incredibly sad ending to somebody’s life whilst commenting about it and posting it online but bear with… I understand that it is a very hard thing to write and comment aboutContinueContinue reading “Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?”

To reach out or to not reach out: that is the question…that is better left unanswered.

To be, or not to be William Shakespeare Now, now, let me explain myself before you lot come for me and start to wonder why my positive thinking has left the building. I am NOT saying that it is a bad idea or that you will not benefit from the experience of asking someone toContinueContinue reading “To reach out or to not reach out: that is the question…that is better left unanswered.”