
Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? I remember looking forward to growing up and imagining myself getting ready for the club. Not only did I see it in movies but it just seemed like this experience that was out of reach…until it wasn’t… I have to admit the ‘clubbing experience’ wasContinueContinue reading “Clubbing…”

Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?

In all honesty I do feel awkward and hypocritical about writing this post given that I am about to blame the media for this incredibly sad ending to somebody’s life whilst commenting about it and posting it online but bear with… I understand that it is a very hard thing to write and comment aboutContinueContinue reading “Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?”

Top Ten Tips when you’re too sick to Travel

You’ve received the bad news: you’re too sick to travel. Now what? Do you still go and risk your health or do you sit at home and mope? Both shitty plans tbh. Here are my top ten tips on how to mentally revive yourself whilst you’re feeling your worst whilst dealing with the fact thatContinueContinue reading “Top Ten Tips when you’re too sick to Travel”

I’m Lonely, I’m Unemployed but Who Cares? I have a Degree! *note sarcasm*

I graduated in December (another story for another time) and have been working part-time, volunteering, but most importantly (still contemplating if this is a good thing or not) I’ve been…thinking. The common thread here is the ‘Loneliness of Grad Life’ and how being a Graduate comes with a boatload of worries, stigmas and negative thoughts.ContinueContinue reading “I’m Lonely, I’m Unemployed but Who Cares? I have a Degree! *note sarcasm*”