Too sick to travel? *cue the self-pity party*

She killed the teddy bears…and instead of stuffing…there’s blood…*shivers* What to do when you’re too sick to travel? *0 results* What should you do when you can’t travel because you’re too sick? *1 result = ‘don’t travel’* Great Google. Thanks. This December, with the whole new novelty of Annual Leave and being able to haveContinueContinue reading “Too sick to travel? *cue the self-pity party*”

Travel Update: First time at the Fringe!

As a (not so recent) graduate, I took a ‘Gap year’, making sure I rested, worked on my mental health and got experience for my C.V. through volunteering and part-time jobs. Of course, the speech I always got was: You’re young! You need to take advantage of the fact that you don’t have any responsibilitiesContinueContinue reading “Travel Update: First time at the Fringe!”