
Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? I remember looking forward to growing up and imagining myself getting ready for the club. Not only did I see it in movies but it just seemed like this experience that was out of reach…until it wasn’t… I have to admit the ‘clubbing experience’ wasContinueContinue reading “Clubbing…”

The Quarantine Mindset

My last official day of lockdown was 28th July and somehow I couldn’t really comprehend my thoughts and feelings on going back to work. On the one hand, I was relieved that I was going to be able to focus on something other than a new hobby but on the other hand…how the hell wasContinueContinue reading “The Quarantine Mindset”

I’m Lonely, I’m Unemployed but Who Cares? I have a Degree! *note sarcasm*

I graduated in December (another story for another time) and have been working part-time, volunteering, but most importantly (still contemplating if this is a good thing or not) I’ve been…thinking. The common thread here is the ‘Loneliness of Grad Life’ and how being a Graduate comes with a boatload of worries, stigmas and negative thoughts.ContinueContinue reading “I’m Lonely, I’m Unemployed but Who Cares? I have a Degree! *note sarcasm*”