
Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? I remember looking forward to growing up and imagining myself getting ready for the club. Not only did I see it in movies but it just seemed like this experience that was out of reach…until it wasn’t… I have to admit the ‘clubbing experience’ wasContinueContinue reading “Clubbing…”

Never getting attached and yet feeling a sense of attachment to strangers and locations…

The feeling of attachment to a total stranger. Where you know it is strange, when it has no meaning at all and yet…it still means something. For me, these baristas also really reminded me of my cousins (not in a weird way) but how they would make jokes, comments here and there and I thinkContinueContinue reading “Never getting attached and yet feeling a sense of attachment to strangers and locations…”

Is Social Media just an excuse for us *not* to be social?

Social media for me has always been a way of keeping up to date with those around me but also letting people in on what I’ve been up to. Not going to lie, I have gotten tired of it in recent years especially with the whole come up of insta-models, followers and getting noticed etc.ContinueContinue reading “Is Social Media just an excuse for us *not* to be social?”

To reach out or to not reach out: that is the question…that is better left unanswered.

To be, or not to be William Shakespeare Now, now, let me explain myself before you lot come for me and start to wonder why my positive thinking has left the building. I am NOT saying that it is a bad idea or that you will not benefit from the experience of asking someone toContinueContinue reading “To reach out or to not reach out: that is the question…that is better left unanswered.”