Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?

In all honesty I do feel awkward and hypocritical about writing this post given that I am about to blame the media for this incredibly sad ending to somebody’s life whilst commenting about it and posting it online but bear with… I understand that it is a very hard thing to write and comment aboutContinueContinue reading “Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?”

Writing is Self-Care

Everyone talks about journaling and how writing stuff down is key to having a clear mind and in being able to organise all of your thoughts. I was inspired to write this post after watching a recent interview with Noah Centineo (GQ), who talks about a journal he was given by his manager where heContinueContinue reading “Writing is Self-Care”

The Costa Chronicles

Now I know I recently highlighted on one of my last posts about the whole barista crush thing and gave the advice that you should all STAY AWAY from the good looking person making your lattĂ© but I also felt my story was funny enough to share on here (who knows, there might be aContinueContinue reading “The Costa Chronicles”