The Costa Chronicles

Now I know I recently highlighted on one of my last posts about the whole barista crush thing and gave the advice that you should all STAY AWAY from the good looking person making your lattĂ© but I also felt my story was funny enough to share on here (who knows, there might be aContinueContinue reading “The Costa Chronicles”

Have yourself a Bae-rista? Throw it away – Throw the whole thing away! (like that disposable cup)

Please note: I hope everyone out there does NOT use disposable cups and brings their travel mugs with them so that they can not only save 20-25p on their coffee but also SAVE THE PLANET!! I agree that there are so many articles out there on this subject. Want to know how I know this?ContinueContinue reading “Have yourself a Bae-rista? Throw it away – Throw the whole thing away! (like that disposable cup)”