Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?

In all honesty I do feel awkward and hypocritical about writing this post given that I am about to blame the media for this incredibly sad ending to somebody’s life whilst commenting about it and posting it online but bear with… I understand that it is a very hard thing to write and comment aboutContinueContinue reading “Are we to blame for Caroline Flack’s death?”

Top Ten Tips when you’re too sick to Travel

You’ve received the bad news: you’re too sick to travel. Now what? Do you still go and risk your health or do you sit at home and mope? Both shitty plans tbh. Here are my top ten tips on how to mentally revive yourself whilst you’re feeling your worst whilst dealing with the fact thatContinueContinue reading “Top Ten Tips when you’re too sick to Travel”

Never getting attached and yet feeling a sense of attachment to strangers and locations…

The feeling of attachment to a total stranger. Where you know it is strange, when it has no meaning at all and yet…it still means something. For me, these baristas also really reminded me of my cousins (not in a weird way) but how they would make jokes, comments here and there and I thinkContinueContinue reading “Never getting attached and yet feeling a sense of attachment to strangers and locations…”

How the F**k-Boy taught me how to accept and respect my Mental Health *shrugs* who knew?

Disclaimer: This is not a Wattpad/Romantic Comedy scenario where the girl and the F***boy get together and it has a real cutesy storybook ending. This is about how gradually opening up, revealing those dark secrets and accepting them can lead you to the most in-depth conversations with the most unexpected kinds of people. Now inContinueContinue reading “How the F**k-Boy taught me how to accept and respect my Mental Health *shrugs* who knew?”