Have yourself a Bae-rista? Throw it away – Throw the whole thing away! (like that disposable cup)

Please note: I hope everyone out there does NOT use disposable cups and brings their travel mugs with them so that they can not only save 20-25p on their coffee but also SAVE THE PLANET!! I agree that there are so many articles out there on this subject. Want to know how I know this?ContinueContinue reading “Have yourself a Bae-rista? Throw it away – Throw the whole thing away! (like that disposable cup)”

How the F**k-Boy taught me how to accept and respect my Mental Health *shrugs* who knew?

Disclaimer: This is not a Wattpad/Romantic Comedy scenario where the girl and the F***boy get together and it has a real cutesy storybook ending. This is about how gradually opening up, revealing those dark secrets and accepting them can lead you to the most in-depth conversations with the most unexpected kinds of people. Now inContinueContinue reading “How the F**k-Boy taught me how to accept and respect my Mental Health *shrugs* who knew?”

To reach out or to not reach out: that is the question…that is better left unanswered.

To be, or not to be William Shakespeare Now, now, let me explain myself before you lot come for me and start to wonder why my positive thinking has left the building. I am NOT saying that it is a bad idea or that you will not benefit from the experience of asking someone toContinueContinue reading “To reach out or to not reach out: that is the question…that is better left unanswered.”

I’m Lonely, I’m Unemployed but Who Cares? I have a Degree! *note sarcasm*

I graduated in December (another story for another time) and have been working part-time, volunteering, but most importantly (still contemplating if this is a good thing or not) I’ve been…thinking. The common thread here is the ‘Loneliness of Grad Life’ and how being a Graduate comes with a boatload of worries, stigmas and negative thoughts.ContinueContinue reading “I’m Lonely, I’m Unemployed but Who Cares? I have a Degree! *note sarcasm*”