Is the Lockdown Lift all a Lie?

As many of you know, at least those of you who are from the UK, we have all been given a date of when lockdown rules will be lifted (if all goes well): 21st June.

The ‘official’ timeline is:

  • “From 8 March, care home residents are allowed a single regular visitor […]” (Yahoo News, 2021)
  • Most schools and colleges in England with outdoor after-school sports and activities also allowed to restart
  • Socially distanced one-to-one meetings with others outdoors in a public space are permitted, meaning friends and family members could sit down for a coffee or have a picnic in the park
  • 29th March: Outdoor gatherings of up to six people or two households are allowed as well as outdoor sports, and the strict “stay at home” guidance will be relaxed to “stay local”.
  • Non-essential retail, including hairdressers, beauty salons, and tattoo parlours, as well as facilities such as libraries, zoos, museums and self-contained accommodation will also be allowed to reopen no earlier than 12th April
  • “It is hoped that pubs and restaurants can also reopen to serve customers outdoors as long as groups adhere to the rule of six and are comprised of no more than two households […]” (Yahoo News, 2021)
  • Up to 30 people will be allowed to attend funerals, but weddings will be limited to 15 guests
  • From 17 May, the rule of six can hopefully only apply to eating out inside pubs and restaurants
  • Gatherings of up to 30 people will be allowed, including at weddings from this date
  • Hotels and bed & breakfasts will be allowed to welcome guests again, and some sporting venues will be able to permit spectators, with the largest venues allowed up to 10,000 people
  • From no earlier than 21st June, if all goes according to plan, nightclubs may be able to reopen and the government could lift restrictions on events and performances after this date (I repeat, IF ALL GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN)

For more information, please visit

Nevertheless, as mentioned in his announcement, Boris has given these dates as a guideline. By no means has he made these dates official but how has everyone else reacted you ask?

This all just reminds me of last year, and how we were all supposed to have a very different Christmas than the one we ended up having. Everything is said as a precaution and we have to stick to the guidelines to make it happen. Aren’t we fed up of assuming this will all just magically disappear? (by all, I mean Covid-19, the flu virus that has different variants the minute it hits winter – yeah, that one). That after nearly a year of this ‘new normal’, we’ll all be back to hugging and travelling to here, there and everywhere as well as tossing (recycling) our reusable masks?

I’m here for positivity and I’m also here for having something to look forward to but what I find alarming is how many memes are out there about losing all of the lockdown weight before the 21st and all these holiday plans being made with the ‘lads’ (I’m generalising here but let’s face it, we’re all getting a bit ahead of ourselves here). The reason I thought I needed to dedicate a blog post about it, is because my brain also started going a mile a minute and was looking for the best deal for a cabin getaway.

Ngl being in lockdown with el padre means I just need some time SOLA. 21st June – will I even remember how to socialise with people?

During this time, there has been a lot of focus around mental health and keeping ourselves mentally sane throughout this tough time – let’s not harm ourselves as soon as there seems to be an ‘end’ in sight. Believe me, if planning something makes it easier for you to cope, by all means, do what you have to do BUT for those of you out there, who are starting to freak out at just the thought of being thrust into the normal after the ‘new normal’: I’m in the same boat. I have dealt with 3 lockdowns where getting through and regressing was my only way of survival and now being expected to be the person I was before is not only asking for waay too much but also impossible for me right now.

I’ll have no idea if I’ll feel comfortable with the idea of travelling or going clubbing (lemme find some friends first) but for now, my focus is on April and being able to get ready to leave the house just to get to work. June you’re a bright and shining light but forgive me, if I don’t really trust Boris’ timeline or the mirage-like image that is showing up right now. Like someone walking through the desert, I believe there is water but I also believe that our minds could be playing tricks on us and we shouldn’t get too ahead of ourselves.

Not claiming myself as the voice of reason but what I’m trying to say is, you same people who said Covid wasn’t real are piping about 21st June, how about you just STFU and let us get there first, JHEEZ

Everyone: *tells people not to put pressure on themselves if they’ve gained lockdown weight, struggling to WFH, struggling in lockdown PERIODDTT* Also everyone: LETS LOSE ALL THIS LOCKDOWN WEIGHT IN 3 MTHS, BOOK HOLIDAYS AND GET EXCITED FOR JUNE!!

Published by Cristina Ferreira Mendonça 🖤

Hi, My name is Cristina and I have started my own 'blog' so-to-speak, to bring awareness of how mental health and culture really play a huge part in people's lives. For me, when I'm at my most vulnerable I do turn to the internet and try to find articles that make me feel 'normal' so I felt I should contribute back. To anyone out there needing a funny little read or another answer to reassure them everything is and will be ok - this is for you.

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